Viewing Pleasures

Friday, November 10, 2006

The front of the purple

You wanted to see the front side of the purple panties, so here it is. And what is it with you guys and purple? That seems to be a color that sets of a pavlovian response in you!


  • At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I like both the red bra and purple panties. Had to look up the word in the dictionary. How true.
    Us men are ever so curious! I like the phot of you on the bed.
    If I was your photographer I would have to come from behind the lens to feast on your body.


  • At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If Pavlov was testing out response to you, there would be drool everywhere, regardless of the color!


  • At 8:46 PM, Blogger David said…

    The red and purple is very nice.. honestly you would look good in any color. The pink inside is my favorite.


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